Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Vietnamese Coffee

The greatest thing about technology for me is that I can take my laptop or smartphone anywhere and blog. I decided today was perfect for catching up on some posts I've been meaning to do. I have a file full of images all ready to go that I can quickly pull from. Here's a quick one for Vietnamese Ice Coffee--I promised one of the gals from the FB group Curry Cooks I would post this. This is a very strong (in flavor not in potency) and rich ice coffee which is yet another byproduct of the French occupation in Vietnam. The key is the medium ground course Chicory coffee! If you've never tried this please do order one the next time you're in a Vietnamese restaurant--it's never burnt tasting and it's wonderful!

2 heaping teaspoons ground Cafe Du Monde French Roast Chicory coffee
2 -3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
1 - 1/2 cup hot water
Ice cubes
Tool: Vietnamese Coffee Press (can find this at most Asian Stores or specialty cooking store)

Bring to a boil in a teapot up to 2 cups of water. 

In a tall glass, place your desired amount of sweetened condensed milk and top with ice cubes. Unscrew the coffee presser and place 2 heaping teaspoons of the ground coffee. 

Replace the presser and finger tighten the press by turning clockwise. With a butter knife further tighten the presser by placing the blade of the knife into the grove at the top of the tightener. 

Place the press securely ontop of glass. 

Fill the press chamber with hot water. Now it's a waiting game. 

The press slowly drips the finished coffee into the glass. Once the water has drained through, remove from glass, stir and take a test sip. As you can see below, I took a test sip and decided I had room for more coffee. I didn't need to add new coffee grounds. If you want more coffee, place the press back onto the glass and add more hot water. 

Stir and enjoy! 

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