Monday, September 9, 2013

Finally a New Name!

Switching this blog from "The Naughty Chef" to "Blissfulliscious." Over time (because it's lots of work) I will be switching out the photos and design elements to reflect my new name. After several hours googling I'm happy to have a name that isn't being used by another fellow blogger. Whew, I feel like a new woman! 

You'll also see a few changes, I'll be posting gluten free recipes and recipes with gluten free alternatives. Not to worry, I know some of you really enjoy some of my old recipes that contain gluten--those will stay. But because of Mighty Moe's newly discovered dietary needs I'll be concentrating mainly on gluten free blissfullisciousness! Just a quick update to let you know that it's been about 3 months and he says 90% of his aches and pains (which he has suffered through for well over 5 years) have disappeared since we started deleting gluten from our diets. He has Fibromyalgia and after alot of research I read that going gluten free may help--well it has done wonders! With him being in the construction field, Fibromyalgia not only affected his well being but his livelihood. I've read the benefits going gluten free has on those suffering from Celiac Disease and am so happy it also benefits those with Fibromyalgia. I am also opening up subscribers so people can comment and share. Please do become a subscriber otherwise it's just me blabbering to myself! Not to worry, I'm not a spammer in any way. Having subscribers will help motivate me to blog more. Warm fuzzies are also welcomed. :)

So far I am not gluten intolerant but have chosen to cut gluten from my diet whenever I can. We eat as a family around here and it doesn't make much sense to cook separately, besides it can't be that hard right? Ha! I won't lie, it's difficult and a bit overwhelming when you first start. I'm 3 months in and am still running across recipes I'm having to rework. We were never big on frozen dinners or fast food so it hasn't been devastating, but a mission to revisit recipes and learn. I've read those who are not gluten sensitive or intolerant shouldn't go completely gluten free and I haven't. One out of 15 meals I eat may contain some gluten--when Mighty Moe is out of town I'll eat my favorite french bread, naan etc., mostly because I haven't found suitable gf recipes for them yet. 

I've joined some GF groups on Facebook and it amazes me some of the stories I've read of peoples experiences since going GF. Who knew such a wholesome thing as wheat and gluten could damage so many people. Those like my brother-in-law have a hypothyroid and he's been gluten and sugar free for a year. I can't even imagine having to avoid sugar as well, poor guy. 

Speaking of recipes, there are many gf ones out there and boy have I tried many of them. Some good, some horrible. It's a texture thing for us (for example Udi's products doesn't do it for us). When testing out bread recipes it's very hit or miss. Fortunately I do have alot of experience working with rice and tapioca flours due to Asian cruisine and have been able to tweak some recipes I already had or that I've recently tried. I haven't posted in the past few months because I didn't want to post anything I tried that I didn't think was a winner, going gf is an investment and I for one don't want anyone to waste their precious ingredients on a bad recipe. I do have a few that I will be posting shortly and I feel good about them. By the way GF Bisquick is awesome, but as my mother would say super "SPENSY!" I have found a recipe for it and will share it along with the link to the creative gal who came up with it. 

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