Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dear Readers, Peek-a-booer's & Recipe Seekers

I've been blogging since January 27, 2012. . .about a month and a half. Yesterday was a little mile stone for the blog - it hit over 200 views! I don't know if this is considered good or not in the bloggersphere but I'm so happy about it. I noticed about 1/3 of the readers are located in Russia and the vast majority being in the USA. I also noticed I haven't received any comments or have yet to have a "member" . . :( but maybe these things take more time but I am getting a bit lonely! I know a few of my friends have tried some of my recipes with some great results which makes me happy. I would love to start a conversation about cooking or gardening and share ideas, read suggestions or answer questions. 

My wish for this blog is to help inspire people to be creative with cooking and perhaps try some dishes that may be outside of their normal fare. I believe when you eat a dish whether it's a dish from another country or a dish made differently then what you've previously tasted it's rather like traveling in a sense. If you have a scrumptious dish or fabulous garden idea you'd like to share, I would love for you to be a guest chef on this blog. 

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